#SchoolFee: Meeting Updates with Education Minister

Education Minister of Karnataka

Brief Background: Vibgyor school blocked access to online classes for many kids on 5th August. Read the background tale at http://vicharpravah.com/my-daughters-education-am-i-bad-parent/ and further regular updates at http://vicharpravah.com/our-attempts-to-get-justice-on-school-fee/

Representatives Parents of Vibgyor school met Education Minister, Honorable Sri Suresh Kumar at his office on 17-August around 11.15 am. We first met him at his residence at 7.15 AM and he suggested to come at Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan around 10 am. He listened to us with empathy. We handed our grievances in a letter to him.

We sought his help in assuring that school takes care of Govt directive and students are given access. This point came up that Vibgyor and “Association of Schools” have taken stay from High Court on Govt directive. We suggested that if school has taken stay than they should also not take coercive actions on parents/kids.

Minister sir assured us to discuss with attorney general to understand and advise to take actions accordingly. He suggested to followup with him directly via SMS. One of the volunteer got his number and became SPOC from parents side. We got good vibes after talking to him and hopefully, we will see some results soon.

The volunteer followed up with Minister sir subsequently and got the response that he is working on it. On 29-Aug Morning, volunteer got a call from Office of Commissioner, Department of Public Instruction to come and meet Education Minister and authorities on 31-Aug, 5 PM at Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan office.

Updates of the 31-Aug meeting is available at http://vicharpravah.com/meeting-with-honorable-education-minister-officials-on-31-aug/ . Meetings was also attended by Commissioner of Public Instructions (IAS), Dr. K. G. Jagadeesha, Education Dept Officials (DDPIs, BEOs), Govt. appointed Advocate and many others including Parents from other Schools. Lots of doubts and lies of school managements were cleared by authorities. Do go through it fully and know your rights.

2 thoughts on “#SchoolFee: Meeting Updates with Education Minister

  1. Pingback: Our Attempts To Get Justice on School Fee: Updates post 5-Aug - VicharPravah

  2. RAMESHA VARNA B says:

    Since many politicians have their own schools & colleges, expecting political actions may not give expected results. These politicians put pressure on govt officials not to act. Only solution may be legal fight. That also takes too much time in India. Let us wait & continue our legal fight.

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